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Genotype details

Name: Memory Anemone
From gene pool: swimming
Author: Stephen Morrow
Date submitted: 2005-11-15
Size: 19 parts
18 joints
19 neurons
22 neural connections
Actions: Download this genotype

Description: A sea anemone with protective response and memory.
How created: Designed
Designed entirely.
Performance notes: The anemone (always simulate underwater) features a protective collapse response that is activated when anemone's smell neuron reaches 0.5. The response features a memory loop which gains value when the response is activated and slowly returns to baseline when the response is inactive. The loop inhibits future responses (a trained anemone might require a smell of 0.8 or more) thus modeling the rudimentary memory function of classical conditioning with Framsticks.
Let it fall to the bottom and feed it with energy.
This creature was awarded.
Full genotype: ((WWWX, , WWWX), , lllllllllRRWWWX[*][*][Ch,-2:1,-1:1][ChMux,-1:1,3:.2]
N,1:.00005,0:1,s:.02][N,-1:1,1:.5][Thr, lo:0, hi:1, t:.31, 1:1][N,7:1,-3:-15,-4:1](WWWX, , rrXX[|, -2:1,p:.75](rrXrrX[|, 1:1][Delay, -4:1,t:200]llllrrX(lllX[|, -5:-.666], lllX[|, -6:.666]), lllllllllwwwwrrX[|, -7:1][S], rrXrrX[|, 1:1][Delay, -10:1,t:200]llllrrX(lllX[|, -11:-.666], lllX[|, -12:.666])), , WWWX))
Water speed (MS): 0.004282
Water speed (ODE): 0.005312