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Genotype details

Name: Rototiller
From gene pool: walking
Author: Jon Bochar
Date submitted: 2001-01-01
Size: 12 parts
11 joints
6 neurons
9 neural connections
Actions: Download this genotype

How created: Designed and evolved
Designed basic body & neural architecture, and evolved neural net over several million steps. This is the first creature I have built using the 'qQ' modifier set for the body. Also, included sigmoid values in the neural net as I was not sure how the neuron 'delay' would have to work for the creature to roll as I wanted it to. It seems to have worked out fine!
Performance notes: The creature rolls. First one leg 'set,' then the next will go in turn, etc etc. Have not seen a creature do this yet with flat legs, and I was worried that it would be impossible.
Full genotype:
qq(llllX, MMMMMMMMMMMMX[@0:2.408, 1:-0.812, /:1.879](llllX, MMMMMMMMMMMMX[@0:-1.016, 1:4.817, /:-3.350](llllX, MMMMMMMMMMMMX[@0:-1.241, /:4.937, -2:-0.611](llllX, , llllX), llllX), llllX), llllX)
Food finding on land (MS): -0.479
Land speed (MS): 0.003487
Land speed (ODE): 0.001367