# Genotype "Swimmer, f4" from gene pool "swimming" # Downloaded on 2025-03-10 from Framsticks Experimentation Center org: name:Swimmer, f4 genotype:/*4*/rr<<N:|[-1:0.0001]>N:*>#6N:G>>X> info_timestamp:946684800.0 info_author:Unknown info_author_ispublic:1 info_email: info_email_ispublic:0 info:Swimmer in the f4 genetic encoding, six modules. info_origin:2 info_how_created:~ Created manually and evolved a bit. Note the '#6' gene which grows six independent control muscles with sensors. 2023-06-23, Maciej Komosinski: Updated to resemble the original phenotype - the update was needed after numerous major f4 changes. This creature has no independent signal generator and relies on the feedback loop from the arrangement of body parts detected by tilt sensors to bend muscles that control the arrangement of body parts. For this reason, this genotype has an additional stick and muscle added with an extremely small bending signal ("*" sending "1" to "|" with weight 0.0001). This is to ensure that there is a tiny initial stimulus to microscopically bend the body, so that all "G" sensors start outputting non-zero signals to bending muscles. Without this additional "*"-controlled "|" muscle, this creature would need another source of initial movement (see the "Performance notes" section) to kickstart swimming.~ info_performance:~ A source of initial movement for this creature could be (1) reviving it above water, so that it falls down and the body bends, (2) random noise added to the output of neurons so that muscles bend the body at least a tiny bit. If you ensure that (1) or (2) is present, then you can use a simpler genotype without the additional "*"-controlled muscle: /*4*/rr#6CN:G>>X Note that there exists the third source of initial stimulus, (3) random initialization of neuron state (the "randinit" parameter). However, this genotype does not have any "N" neurons, and "G" and "|" neurons are not affected by random state initialization. The neural network in the old original genotype was made of "G"->"N"->"|" modules instead of current "G"->"|" modules, so in the old original genotype, (3) could make "N" neurons initially output small values which served as a source of the initial stimulus to slightly bend "|" muscles and kickstart further swimming movement.~ num:127 instances:0 data: