# Genotype "Dragon" from gene pool "walking" # Downloaded on 2024-04-23 from Framsticks Experimentation Center org: name:Dragon genotype:~ rLLDDbg(FL(rrLdbGXF(L(, , rrLXFF(L((X[G][|, 1:-1.02, p:0.363, r:1][T], (X[N, 17:-0.105][|, 3:0.829, r:0.989, p:0.25]), , , X, ), (X))), rLL(X[si:2,fo:0.04][si:0.393261][*], LLf(rX[G][|, 2:-0.846, p:0.35, r:1], , , )), X, , rX[T][N, 2:3.132, fo:0.1938, 1:10, in:0, 10:1.816, 8:1.338, 7:-0.478, 1:1][T][T]LM(FLL(, , FX[N,1:1][N], X), , , , , ), )), rrLLLm(, FLL(X, , X[G][|, 1:0.746, p:0.724, r:1], , )), , rMX[N, 1:1.136][N, 2:2.081, fo:0.04, -3:0.286,in:0.8][T][T]LLf(rmX[N](F(FMX[G], )), )))~ info_timestamp:1137974400.0 info_author:Peter Schoffhauzer info_author_ispublic:1 info_email:scoofy@inf.elte.hu info_email_ispublic:1 info:Huge dragon-like walking creature. info_origin:3 info_how_created:~ I started natural evolution under various conditions, when an interesting mutation happened. I picked that genotype and evolved it further.~ info_performance:~ It has a long tail, two legs and two scissor-like limbs. It moves very awkward, but it is very huge.~ num:417 instances:0 data: