# Genotype "Back Crawler" from gene pool "walking" # Downloaded on 2024-04-26 from Framsticks Experimentation Center org: name:Back Crawler genotype:~ (X[Sin](rrX(rrrX(lX,,),,),,rrX(RRRX(lX,,),,)),,X[N][-1:0.5,-2:0.265,si:0.5][|,-1:1,p:1][@,-4:0.366,p:1](rrX(rrrX(lX,,),,),,rrX(RRRX(lX,,),,)))~ info_timestamp:1259020800.0 info_author:Jan Polak info_author_ispublic:1 info_email: info_email_ispublic:0 info: info_origin:1 info_how_created: info_performance:~ The perfect body to be used when you want to easily control turns (left/right) - neuron #1 does this. You can use the -1..+1 signal instead of #1, or interactively play with the creature while it walks, manually forcing output of #1. You can also modify the [Sin] frequency to adjust speed.~ num:438 instances:0 data: