# Genotype "Springy" from gene pool "walking" # Downloaded on 2024-04-27 from Framsticks Experimentation Center org: name:Springy genotype:~ RRLLLLFFFFX[*][Sin][N,-1:-14.52,-2:3.977,in:0.907657]lllffffX[|,-1:52.083,p:1,r:0.886]RRFFFFXllllF(llllFFFF(llllX,llllFFFFX))~ info_timestamp:1259625600.0 info_author:Maciej Komosinski info_author_ispublic:1 info_email: info_email_ispublic:0 info:A very simple moving creature. info_origin:2 info_how_created:~ Designed body and NN, evolved length of sticks and their properties as well as connection weights and neural parameters.~ info_performance:Body and control perfectly adjusted to cooperate. num:440 instances:0 data: