# Genotype "Right Angler" from gene pool "walking" # Downloaded on 2024-04-24 from Framsticks Experimentation Center org: name:Right Angler genotype:~ LLf(,X(llffffX,LLfXLLLLFF(,RRLLLFXLff(LLLFFX,LLLLfX,LLFFX),LLLLfX[*][N][Sin,-1:1][N,-1:-12.4,-3:-3][|,-1:54,p:1,r:0.67]),lffX))~ info_timestamp:1259712000.0 info_author:Maciej Komosinski info_author_ispublic:1 info_email: info_email_ispublic:0 info: info_origin:2 info_how_created:~ Designed body and neural network, evolved neural properties, connection weights, and properties of sticks.~ info_performance:~ The N neuron in front of Sin is only attached to allow you to override its output value and influence the frequency of the sinus generator.~ num:441 instances:0 data: