# Genotype "Hopping Spider 5 legs" from gene pool "walking" # Downloaded on 2024-04-26 from Framsticks Experimentation Center org: name:Hopping Spider 5 legs genotype:~ bDdglllX[S:4](, RXMMMCccX[|1:.5, T:-0.616], RRXMMMCCccX[|1:.1, T:5], , , RRXMMMCccX[|1:.1, T:5], llX[S:4], RXMMMCccX, RRXMMMCccX[|0:.1, T:5])~ info_timestamp:946684800.0 info_author:Troy Jenkins info_author_ispublic:1 info_email: info_email_ispublic:0 info: info_origin:2 info_how_created:~ Evolved from four legged spider design. ~ info_performance:~ The fifth leg which does not move seems to add stability to the creature's jump. This creature was awarded.~ num:64 instances:0 data: